Logic Replace LLC vs Logic Replace Ltd
We have been operating as a business (Logic Replace) since 2007. We entirely operate as a company called Logic Replace LLC that was incorporated in Delaware.
Occasionally we get asked, “Why is your company dissolved?”.
Rest assured, we are not dissolved, and we are fully operational.
In 2018 we set up a company in England called Logic Replace Limited.
The management of Logic Replace LLC set up the UK Limited company.
Approximately one year later, the directors voluntarily dissolved it to retain one company in the USA for internal reasons.
All business operations continue to operate using the USA based Logic Replace LLC.
Our bank accounts are all based in the USA, and all our customers worldwide do business transactions with Logic Replace LLC.
We set up a UK Limited company for approximately one year then voluntarily dissolved it is of no material interest or consequence.
It does not mean we are not working with customers in the UK or Europe. On the contrary, we have significant customers in the UK and Ireland, and if references are required, we can arrange them.