COVID-19 Business as Usual

Logic Replace operating as normal


Logic Replace is operating fully as normal for new and existing customers.

All our team are fully remote working and collaborating using our existing project management tools.

In fact, we have been remote working long before the current lockdown while maintaining office locations in London and North Carolina for face to face meetings.

While many businesses have been challenged with the changes imposed by the COVID-19 restrictions, you can be confident that Logic Replace was already operating in this way for many years. And is doing so now.

For interactions with new and existing customers, we can use any channels such as phone, email, audio and video conferencing.

We have been using remote working tools for years such as secure VPN connections, a security policy for data storage and deletion, and secure team project tools for collaboration within our team.

Our work processes ensure there is no loss in quality or efficiency, there is no reason to be concerned if you require our services. We are 100% confident we will fully understand your needs and deliver what you expect and require.

Our project process has always worked successfully when not working directly face-to-face with our team or our customers.

If you need our services then please make contact and we will love to hear from you to discuss your needs.

For Logic Replace, its business as usual.